4, grande rue
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date of birth : 08 avril 1975
1995 - 98                    Mechanical engineering degree from the "Ecole Nationale Supérieure
                                 d’Hydraulique et de Mécanique de Grenoble" ( ENSHMG ).
                                 School of the Grenoble National Polytechnic Institut.
1993 - 95                    DUT in mechanical engineering at Grenoble Joseph Fourier university.
1992 - 93                    Baccalaureat in mathematics and technics.
since                        Engineer at CATERPILALR in Grenoble (Isère).
February 2002         Design of engine installation and cooling system for off higway machines.
June 2000                Engineer at PH SPORT in Chalindrey (Haute Marne).
to December 2001    2000 2WD French rally champion on gravel with Sébastien LOEB as driver.
                                2001 super 1600 World rally champion with Sébastien LOEB as driver.      
February 1999          Engineer at RENAULT in Rueil Malmaison (hauts de Seine)
to May 2000             Study and development of the futur common rail diesel engine.
                                Responsability of a power bench and its technician, analysys
                                of the tests and technical choices for the new systems.                                                                   
1998                         Professional training at CITROËN SPORT in Vélizy (Yvelines)
March to June             in the technic department. Data logging analisys on a race car
                                (Xsara kit-car) in order to improve the working of the car and the
                                working of its systems.
1998                         Study of rotary buckle for safety belts for the firm STAND 21
January to August      in order to be incompliance with the UTAC safety standards :
                                blueprint of the product, adjustment of the prototypes, study of 
                                the manufacturing process and of the assembly.
                                (study done with the junior company of the ENSHMG)
1997                         Professional training at SOLUTION F in Venelles (Bouches du Rhône).
July to September      Whole study, making and adjustement of a wind tunnel for cylinder
                                head (machine used to mesure and improve the air flow in an engine).
1996                         lathe and milling machine operator on numerical controled machines
Jully                          at USINAGE NUMERIQUE VOIRONNAIS in Voiron (Isère).
1995 July                   lathe and milling machine operator at ATELIER DU  PICHERAS
1994 July to August    in Voiron.
1995                          Professional training at ROSSIGNOL in the methods department in
April to June               Voiron. Study of a production organization and of a new layout
                                 of the machines for a new workshop wich produce surfs.
                                 (production of 100 000 surfs per year)
1992 July                   Worker at LUXOS in Moirans (Isère).
1991 July                   (industrial pork butcher's)
French                       Mother tongue
English                       Very good skills, both written and oral
German                      Fair knowledge.
Shell mileage marathon
Technical manager of the "INPG sports mécaniques" team from 1996 to 98 :
Management of the technical team (20 students : computer scientist, electronics engineer,
mechanical engineer,..)in the study, the manufacturing and the adjustement of a whole
vehicle (26 cc 4 stroke engine with electronic management and carbon-honeycomb
Regular practice of karting since 1995
(Karting with HAASE chassis and ITAL SYSTEM 100 cm3 - 24 ch engine)
Tennis, ski alpin
Computing knowledge
CAD-CAM system : Autocad, Euclid, Pro engineer
Stress engineering : Ansys, Pro mechanica
Datalogging : Telem AX by Magneti-Marelli and Haltech systems
Engine management : Haltech systems
Combustion analysis : Concerto by AVL
Programming : C++, visual basic, html
Motor sports
I like motor sports and in particular car racing. I like the competitions
but also the technical aspect. In all the car racing, I prefer rally.
In 1998, I'm involved in the construction of a rally car and I was copilot.
Since the begining of 2001, I started to build my own car (205 Groupe F18).
You will find more detail on this car at the following adress :